The producing of output in 1 hour, printing of variable data.
Digital printing – a means how to produce a small printing edition, using the equipment of digital printing, printing just from a file.
Nowadays the digital printing becomes more
and more popular, it is connected with three factors:
- One of them, efectivity. The contemporal pace asks the mobility of enterprises, often the necessity of polygraphic services appears unawares. In such situation the digital printing can be a rescue, because in that way the business cards, fly-sheets, brochures, stickers and other business-like and advertising production is possible to print in one hour or in 1-2 days.
- The second factor, low costs of small print edition of printed production. The technical qualities permit to produce 10, 50, 100, 300 and more A4 size flyers, moreover the cost of one flyer will not change in dependence of edition and will be much lower than as printing with the help of offset.
- Third factor, the possibility to print the necessary number of exemplars, to make small changes in the layout or personalization of production.

- Urgent advert or packaging production manufacturing.

- Small edition or some exemplars of polygraphic production printing.

- The printing of the personalized data on envelopes.

- The printing of variable data.